You Or A Loved One May Need Hospice If…

Faced with a life-limiting illness where aggressive treatments and medications are no longer beneficial.  We have included the following questionnaire to help you identify if you or your loved one can benefit from our hospice services:

Have you or your loved one…

  • been hospitalized or gone to the emergency room several times in the past six months?
  • been making more frequent phone calls to your physicians?
  • started taking medication to lessen physical pain?
  • started spending most of the day in a chair or in bed?
  • fallen several times over the past six months?
  • started needing help from other with: bathing, dressing, eating, cooking, getting out of bed, or walking?
  • started feeling weaker or more tired?
  • experienced weight loss so that clothes are noticeably looser?
  • noticed a shortness of breath, even while resting?
  • been told by a doctor that life expectancy is limited?

Adapted from NHPCO

If you answered “yes” to four or more of these questions, then you or your loved one could be eligible for hospice care. Superior Hospice can help manage the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient and support the needs of the family/friends support system as they deal with issues related to their loved one’s life-limiting illness.  We understand every situation is different, and 0ur compassionate team will be there every step of the way during this challenging time. The earlier we join you in this process, the more resources we can provide to create a supportive experience.